Friday, September 6, 2013

Leaving Facebook

It may have been a week ago today, or close enough I suppose, that I finally deactivated my Facebook. I've talked about doing it for a long time and finally took the plunge.

Originally my plan was to get through today. Through the rush of food preservation last weekend (some very generous friends gave us lots and lots of pears, apples and plums!). Through the beginning of school for my husband and two older children this past week. Yet here I am, when my self imposed restriction is up, and I'm thinking I just may stretch this a little longer. A few days? A week? A month? I don't know.
What I do know is that after getting though that first day (where I nearly signed on in the first hour!) I'm rather enjoying this little hiatus. 

I'd like to say I'm suddenly super productive, that all my produce is put up, I'm spending all day out doors alternating between playing with the kids and knitting or reading, that I'm offline completely - but none of that is true (clearly). 

What is happening is that in those pockets of time I spent on facebook (5 minutes over coffee that often turned into an hour, 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there, 45 minutes or more after the kids are in bed), I am doing just a little more. Picking up a sweater and knitting a row or two. Getting an extra load of laundry put away. Really participating in my day without being distracted by conversations in groups. 

Sometimes I think maybe I could just be facebook free, indefinitely. But I know that's silly. Because, the truth is I really enjoy social media. I've made some real friends over the last almost decade I've spent in online groups. There are several people I already really miss. Oddly enough, there are a few real life, close by friends that I mainly communicate with online as well. Also, my father happens to be one of 12 children and facebook as allowed us a place to all stay connected and up on each others lives and THAT has been really indescribably wonderful. So, I know that eventually I will be back. Because I do believe there is far more good than bad in social media. 

In the meantime, however long that may be, you can still find me here and there online. I am still on pinterest, instagram, tumblr, ravelry and hopefully here much more often. 

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