Wednesday, February 23, 2011

planning spring.

The day we got back from our sunny vacation, I sat down and ordered our seeds for this year. Even though it's only something I've been doing for 2 seasons now, I love the thought of warmth and growth when we're nearing the end of a long, cold, dark winter.

This winter seems to have been especially cold. Not much snow for us, surprisingly. Seems like the rest of the country got what we are normally 'blessed' with. I've mentioned my pregnancy induced procrastination, fatigue, and lack of motivation. In some ways I guess it's good this hit me through the winter when I feel just a little less guilty hibernating and cozying at home. Yet I also feel I wasn't able to embrace the season as much. I've stopped counting the little things. I've barely taken any pictures. I haven't gone on my daily morning walk to watch the season unfold and change. As I type this I hear the birds beginning to chirp outside my window and it reminds me that last year, I heard the change and return of those birds during my walks through the winter woods and not through the glass separating me from that world.

 well, I did get out at least once!

But it is what it is. And as this winter starts winding towards the end of the season I am finding hope and comfort and joy in the thoughts of the upcoming Spring. I am feeling a burst of energy and excitement at the feel of sunshine and at working in the gardens and smelling the earth. I feel like I'm starting to wake up. And even though there are still several weeks of cold and wind and snow - I can see and hear and feel the change coming. It all begins with the planning of Spring..

1 comment:

City Sister said...

I love that last is so stark and beautiful.