Tuesday, January 3, 2012

one good thing 1/2

in a new year effort to be more mindful of how I am living my life and to be more joyful with my life, I've decided to post one good thing a day. One good thing, everyday.

If you feel inspired to do the same (and I hope that you do!) please feel free to leave your good thing, or a link, in the comments below.

photo from 12/26

For Christmas my husband and his father made this wooden mancala game for Colin. It's a game he has learned at school, and I had never heard of it.

It was a big hit over the holiday, but I hadn't had a chance to play until yesterday. I loved it! It's an addicting and fun game that is just as fun for the adults as it is for the kids. I love the new addition to our growing collection of homemade, wooden games as well.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love this game too, it is a claming zen kind of game for me lol.