Monday, February 1, 2010

I have so much to say

but every time I try, nothing comes out. I've been sleeping a lot. I think I might be getting sick. I could fill up pages with random ramblings that are bouncing around my head right now, but I'll spare everyone that nonsense. I'll be back in a few days when my head isn't so cloudy. In the meantime, you can catch glimpses of the dailies over at 365.

PS: Happy February!


Sara said...

Hope you get to feeling better!

kiki said...

Happy February to you too - enjoy your hibernation ;)

gardenofsimple said...

kiki! I miss you soooo!

kiki said...

Is there a way for me to send you a private message through this thing so you can have email address?

gardenofsimple said...

I have no idea. There's got to be a way, I'm just not sure how. You can use my gardenofsimple.gos@gmail address, and I can message you with my personal one from there.